My Bucket List


There are so many things I want to accomplish before I kick the bucket. It’s not the fact that I have so much to do that scares me, but it’s the fear of one day realizing that I haven’t accomplished anything. Today I’m writing my 10 item bucket list, and I am sharing it right here on my blog. I hope you can hold me to it!

  1. Run a 5K marathon
  2. Travel the World
  3. Swim with Dolphins
  4. Open a Cupcake Cafe
  5. Go to Art School
  6. Play an Instrument
  7. Speak another language fluently
  8. Open up a Public Relations agency
  9. Learn Yoga
  10. Own an exotic animal

My ultimate goal is to become a business owner and have my own freedom. These four days off have been amazing, and I would love to be a full time writer and blogger.

Do you have a bucket list to share?

7 responses to “My Bucket List

  1. Pingback: Create a Beautiful Bucket List | Kellie Elmore·

  2. Pingback: My Bucket List | Constellation Onion·

  3. Pingback: Cleaning House – Nerd Style « consumedbywanderlust·

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt: What is the 11th item on your bucket list? Nicholson and Freeman « bridgesburning·

  5. Pingback: Daily Prompt; Kick It/ The Daily Post | terry1954·

  6. Pingback: Last Chance | The Winsome Words·

  7. Pingback: 50 Things | The View Outside·

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